Monday, November 7, 2011

bad day

How bad it has to be that you come to a stranger and tell him never to have kids... Oh yes, it has to be pretty awful.
This state of mind happened to me over the weekend at least three times:
First when my kids didn't enjoy Ravel quintet concert in St. George's Music Hall.
Second when they screamed they lungs off in a Starbucks over an orange and cranberry muffin and a cup of babyccino.
Third when they ran like monkeys in the Natural History Museum.

Trying to do something for your kids is not always the right thing to do. Why don't you do something for yourself for a change? - asked me Florian. Yes sure, but what I want for myself is peace and quiet, which makes me do something for my kids so that I can have that peace and quiet!
My mother-in-law, on the other hand, says that in the old days no one ever put so much effort and time into organising time for their kids. They just kind of grew up around everyday activities. They had fewer toys, no DVDs, no playgroups, no playgrounds, no story times or what not. Right I love the idea! But maybe they had extended families around? How can I make my kids entertain each other for a day while I hoover (oh yes I would make a use of that), clean the windows, declutter cupboards and wardrobes, do some ironing and cook a proper meal (we haven't had one for weeks). I just can't imagine them entertaining themselves around the house for 8 hours.
Non appreciation, tantrums and a waste of my energy, that is what I get now from my kids for all my efforts and it just brakes my back.
Bitter, that is how I feel.

1 comment:

  1. Teraz Ciebie dopadlo... rozumiem doskonale zdecydowanie: kiedys system byl inny wieksza, rozbudowana rodzina i obowiązki, ktore mialy juz male dzieci. J. np lubi jezdzic do babci, a potem chwili sie, ze grabil liscie, sadzil tulipany. Nawet maluch musza sie czyms zajac. btw. Jak to mawia znajomy, dzis wokol dzieci skacze sie, bo sa dobrem rzadkim. Kiedys im tak nie nadskakiwano.
    Trzymaj sie i pokrzycz. Pomaga (czasem).
